This adventure starts on a Thursday afternoon in Ottawa. Everybody arrived at the airport around 4:30 and after a bit of confusion about where spare strings were to go, goodbyes, (and pictures of course) we were off. After a short flight to Toronto, we had an extended wait in Toronto before our next flight. During this time, people looked for food, mingled, and even did homework (shameful, I know). We then got on our second of three flights, to Santiago, Chile. While some of us watched movies and shows for the duration of the flight, others tried to get as much sleep as possible. Nevertheless, we arrived in Santiago in good time, and then waited for a little while to get back on the plane to head to Buenos Aires. The flight from Santiago to Buenos Aires was pleasantly shorter than the one to Santiago. Once we arrived in Buenos Aires, we soaked in the sun and the heat, which we had forgotten actually existed. We then took a shuttle bus to the hotel where everybody was dozing off. After a quick stop to check out our rooms, we headed out and walked to get some pizza, where Aaron attempted to order the pizza in Spanish, which was comical to say the least. After dinner, we headed back to the hotel, and I now listen to Felix and Austin practising and the busy night life outside as I finish writing this blog. But it’s safe to say, that after 24 hours of travelling, we could all do with some sleep.