Teacher’s Corner: by Lance Elbeck

*People don’t go to many concerts anymore. *

These days parents, especially with younger children, are often reluctant to make the trek to the NAC to hear great live music. There is a wonderful orchestra here in Ottawa. The concert experience can be so very stimulating for a youngster. Make sure your child is old enough to enjoy the music, sit quietly and give it rapt attention.

For a family experience and a change of pace how about a weekend trip to Toronto, Montreal or Buffalo to hear their large orchestras or hear the COC? Instead of booking a cruise or going to Disneyland, book the same amount of time and go to New York to absorb the great art and music making!!!  The entire art immersion experience (concerts, art galleries, dance and theater) can produce unforgettable memories to our young Suzuki players and their parents alike.

I was very fortunate to live relatively close to a great city when I began my study.  Because we lived only 120 miles away (one way) my dad made a huge effort to find the best violin teacher he possibly could. This also meant his extraordinary commitment to drive me to my lesson every week.  Today I truly appreciate his interest, sacrifice and joy in helping me become a musician.

After lessons and Chicago youth orchestra rehearsals we would often go to an evening concert in Orchestra Hall. How exciting to hear Milstein or Oistrakh play in recital or with the Chicago Symphony. I have never forgotten these concerts.

Also, on another note: *I want to recommend today’s technology to all parents*

We live in a wonderful age of “apps”! I like “ins tuner” for pitch and Pro metronome for rhythm. There are many other wonderful ones available for cell phones or PCs. Of course, Korg has an amazing line of products as well as Dr. Beat.

The tone with which to compare one’s pitch must be loud enough for the student to hear properly.

I just bought a new Korg tuner for the studio and all the students today noticed it and asked me about it.  The sound it produces is LOUD and suitably annoying for tuning —a win win.

I expect parents and students to embrace these tools that with daily use yield technically proficient results.