Announcements from the President of OSS

2022 Archive
Archive – All previous years
2022 Archive

Invitation to Annual General Meeting 2022

Monday NOVEMBER 14, 7:00 PM

Dear OSS Parents and Teachers,

You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Ottawa Suzuki Strings, which will be held on Monday, November 14, 2022, at 7:00pm in the Woodroffe cafeteria.

We need your participation! If you cannot attend, please fill in a Proxy Ballot and submit it prior to the meeting. At this meeting we will present the Financial Report for the previous fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2022, prepared by our accounting firm, OHCD. We will also elect the Board members for the coming year.

Links for the Proxy Ballot form, the Financial Report, Meeting Agenda, and Minutes from last year can be found below.


OSS AGM Agenda 2022

OSS AGM Minutes 2021

draft fs Suzuki Strings 2022

After two years of the pandemic, we definitely need a fresh infusion of new Board members. If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact me (contact information below).

As usual, there will be time to answer any questions you have about Board-related topics regarding Ottawa Suzuki Strings after the meeting adjourns. I look forward to your input,

Yours truly,
Paul Keen
President, Ottawa Suzuki Strings


Archive – All previous years

Invitation to Annual General Meeting 2021


Dear OSS Parents and Teachers,

You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Ottawa Suzuki Strings, which will be held on Sunday, November 14, 2021, at 7:30pm, via an internet connection on Zoom:

We need your participation! If you cannot attend the Zoom meeting, please fill in a Proxy Ballot and submit it prior to the meeting. At this meeting we will present the Financial Report for the previous fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2021, prepared by our accounting firm, OHCD. We will also elect the Board members for the coming year.

Links for the Proxy Ballot form, the Financial Report, Meeting Agenda, and Minutes from last year can be found below.

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact me (contact information below).

As usual, there will be time to answer any questions you have about Board-related topics regarding Ottawa Suzuki Strings after the meeting adjourns. I look forward to your input,

Yours truly,
Paul Keen
President, Ottawa Suzuki Strings


Annual General Meeting 2020 Invite

November 5, 2020

Invitation to Annual General Meeting, November 15, 2020

Dear OSS Parents and Teachers,

You are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of Ottawa Suzuki Strings, which will be held on Sunday, November 15, 2019, at 7:30pm, via an internet connection on Zoom. I will be sending out an email to all OSS families with the Zoom link and password.

We need your participation at this meeting. If you cannot attend the Zoom meeting, please fill in a Proxy Ballot and submit it prior to the meeting. At this meeting we will present the Financial Report for the previous fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2020, prepared by our accounting firm, OHCD. We will also elect the Board members for the coming year.

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact me (contact information below). See the Meeting Agenda, and the Minutes to last year’s Annual General Meeting.

The Proxy Ballot form, the Financial Report, Meeting Agenda, and Minutes from last year are all available below.

As usual, after the meeting adjournment, there will be time to answer any questions you have about Board-related topics regarding Ottawa Suzuki Strings. I look forward to meeting you,

Yours truly,
Paul Keen
Acting President, Ottawa Suzuki Strings

AGM minutes Nov 18 2019
AGM agenda Nov15 2020
AGM Financial Review Draft 2020

New Interim President of OSS

June 20, 2020

Dear OSS families,

I am writing to introduce myself as the School’s Interim President.  These are challenging times for all arts organizations, but they are also exciting times as we strive to adapt ourselves to the pressures forced on us by COVID-19. As a music community that is defined by our shared creativity and imagination, we are well prepared to face this challenge. I look forward to working closely with our Artistic Director, Elaine Klimasko, with the other members of the Board, our teachers, our administrative staff, and with all of you as we plan for whatever awaits us in 2020-21. One thing we know for sure: we remain committed to delivering the most fulfilling musical education we can, in both our individual and group lessons, as we learn more about what these conditions will be.

Have a safe and enjoyable summer, everyone!

Paul Keen

November 21, 2019

Dear Parents, Teachers, and friends of Ottawa Suzuki Strings,

Thank you for your participation at the recent Annual General Meeting, which was held at Woodroffe High School during group-classes on Monday, November 18, 2019. We have posted here minutes from that meeting, as well as the financial statements for the last fiscal year, which were formally approved at the meeting.

Thanks especially for those who were able to attend the meeting in person. As usual, there was useful discussion, as well as some suggestions that will require follow-through. We hope that we answered most of the questions from those present at the meeting.

My slide presentation is also linked here, as well as some of the results of the recent parent survey, as promised.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish a productive and enjoyable school year to all of the students of Ottawa Suzuki Strings.

Yours faithfully,

John Royle
President of the Board of Directors of Ottawa Suzuki Strings

AGM minutes Nov 18 2019
Financial Review 2019
AGM Presentation_2019_v1

October 25, 2019

Invitation to Annual General Meeting, November 18, 2019

Dear OSS Parents,

You are invited to the Annual General Meeting of Ottawa Suzuki Strings, which will be held on Monday, November 18, 2019, at 7pm in the cafeteria at Woodroffe High School.

We need your participation at this meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting in person, please fill in a Proxy Ballot, and give it to the school, either to the duty officer, or else Deanne or Judy, prior to the meeting. There will also be a table outside the cafeteria where you can leave your Proxy Ballot just prior to the meeting.

At this meeting we will present the Financial Report for the previous fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2019, prepared by our accounting firm, OHCD. We will also elect the Board members for the coming year.

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact me (contact information below). See the Meeting Agenda, and the Minutes to last year’s Annual General Meeting.

The Proxy Ballot form, the Financial Report, Meeting Agenda, and Minutes from last year are all available below.

As usual, after the meeting adjournment, there will be time to answer any questions you have about Board-related topics regarding Ottawa Suzuki Strings. I look forward to meeting you,

Yours truly,

John Royle
President, Ottawa Suzuki Strings

AGM minutes Nov 19, 2018
AGM Agenda Nov 18, 2019 v1
AGM Proxy Ballot Nov18, 2019
draft Financial Review 2019

Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year

August 16, 2019

Dear Parents, Teachers, and friends of Ottawa Suzuki Strings,

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we hope you have all enjoyed your summer break, and are enthusiastically looking forward to the coming school year.

Over the summer OSS has organized several community events, including outreach activities at several public library branches, and the special music week at the Lowertown Community Centre during July, which was supported by a grant from the Ottawa Community Foundation.  For those children who were able to take advantage of our Summer Camp during August, we hope they are energized to participate in our group-class programs starting in September. During May 2019, the Board filled the one vacant Board position, with the appointment of Christy Harris to our Board. Keep up-to-date with our school emails and website to find out when we will hold our Annual General Meeting, in the late fall 2019 on a Monday evening
during group-classes.

Our Board meetings will start again in early October. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns that the Board can help with. Meanwhile, we wish our children an enjoyable and successful year of music learning, playing, and listening.

Yours faithfully,
John Royle
President of the Board of Directors of Ottawa Suzuki Strings

Annual General Meeting 2018 Update 2

November 28, 2018

Dear Parents, Teachers, and friends of Ottawa Suzuki Strings,

Thank you for your participation at the recent Annual General Meeting, which was held at Woodroffe High School during group-classes on Monday, November 19, 2018. We have posted here draft minutes from that meeting, as well as the financial statements for the last fiscal year, which were formally approved at the meeting.

Thanks especially for those who were able to attend the meeting in person. There was lively discussion, and ideas brought up by parents which will require follow-through during the rest of this school year.

Kind regards,

John Royle
President of the Board of Directors of Ottawa Suzuki Strings

AGM draft minutes Nov 19_2018

Annual General Meeting 2018 Update

November 21, 2018

Dear Parents, Teachers, and friends of Ottawa Suzuki Strings,

Thank you for your participation at the recent Annual General Meeting, which was held at Woodroffe High School during group-classes on Monday, November 20, 2018. We will post draft minutes from the meeting when they become available. In the meantime, we have posted here the financial statements for the last fiscal year, which were formally approved at the meeting.

Thanks especially for those who were able to attend the meeting in person. There was lively discussion, and ideas brought up by parents which will require follow-through during the rest of this school year.

Kind regards,

John Royle
President of the Board of Directors of Ottawa Suzuki Strings


Annual General Meeting 2018 Invite

Dear OSS Parents, Teachers, and friends of Ottawa Suzuki Strings,

I am happy to invite you to the Annual General Meeting of Ottawa Suzuki Strings, which will be held on Monday, November 19, 2018, at 7pm in the cafeteria at Woodroffe High School.

We need your participation at this meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting in person, please fill in a Proxy Ballot, and give it to the school, either to the duty officer, or else Deanne or Judy, prior to the meeting. There will also be a table outside the cafeteria where you can leave your Proxy Ballot just prior to the meeting.

At this meeting we will present the Financial Report for the previous fiscal year, which ended June 30, 2018, prepared by our accounting firm, OHCD. We will also elect the Board members for the coming year.

If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact me (contact information below). See the Meeting Agenda, and the Minutes to last year’s Annual General Meeting.

The Proxy Ballot form, the Financial Report, Meeting Agenda, and Minutes from last year are all available below.

As usual, after the meeting adjournment, there will be time to answer any questions you have about Board-related topics regarding Ottawa Suzuki Strings. I look forward to meeting you,

Yours truly,

John Royle
President, Ottawa Suzuki Strings

AGM minutes Nov13_2017

AGM – 2017

Dear OSS Parents, Teachers, and other Corporation Members,

The Annual General Meeting of Ottawa Suzuki Strings was held on Monday, November 13, 2017. Thank you to those of you who attended and participated at the meeting, as well as to those who completed Proxy forms.

See below for some of the information about the meeting, including a draft copy of the Meeting Minutes, and the Financial Report for the previous fiscal year, which was approved at the meeting.

Yours truly,

John Royle
President, Ottawa Suzuki Strings

Links to 2017 documents:

DRAFT AGM minutes Nov 13, 2017
AGM Financial Report 2017